I host numerous events for Montgomery College and the local community including observatory nights, planetarium shows, star parties, lectures, and workshops. Additionally I have been a volunteer docent at Washington National Cathedral since 2011 where I lead tours and tower climbs on Gothic architecture and Cathedral history. Prior to my tenure at the Catheral, I served as a docent at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum on the National Mall.
Invited Talks
- The Keese School - "From Galileo to Webb: a Half Century of Visualizing Astronomy" (October 2024)
- Nature Forward - "The Joys of Winter Astronomy" (December 2022)
- Montgomery College Television MCTV - "Is That Real?: How Astronomers Make the Invisible Visible" (September 2022)
- Audubon Naturalist Society - "Cold Nights and Clear Skies: The Joys of Winter Astronomy" (December 2021)
- Audubon Naturalist Society - "Hunting for Treasures in the Summer Night Sky" (June 2021)
- Smithsonian Associates - "Black Holes: A New Look" (January 2020)
- Smithsonian Associates - "Astronomy 101 Seminar" (July 2019)
- United States Treasury Department (2017)
- Sea and Sky Nonprofit (2011)
Service to the Community
- Science adviser to Rockville Science Center
- NASA Solar System Ambassador
- NASA Community College Network
- Nature Forward Instructor
- Rockville Science Day
- Croydon Creek Nature Center
- Astronomy Day on the National Mall
- Science Bowl volunteer
- Sonya Kovalesky Day